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Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine

In order to make Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 enjoyable, Saber Interactive had to make the Space Marines less like …

Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine
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Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine

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  • I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that online leftists just can't help but hit a brick wall when it comes to 40k

    The crux of all these satire arguments boils down to "make the satire MORE obvious, MORE cartoonish, eliminate all nuance or three dimensional character development and most importantly make it NOT FUN" and I always ask, WHY?

    Yes the heroic, relatable, goofy ass space imperialists serve an evil empire that destroys whole worlds, all while quoting war poetry and the unity of humanity....and sometimes they crack jokes, there it is, we found your satire on the hypocrisy and mundane evil of imperialism, is that not obvious enough, does every character need to shout "I'm a fascist!" every other line?

    Do they need to make space marines literal cannibalistic vampires who thirst for blood and eat civilians alive before the satire becomes acceptable for high culture lefties?......OH WAIT that's literally a quarter of the space marine chapters

    Subversion and nuance are fine in anti-fascist satire, you don't need to drop an anvil on the setting to get the point across

    • Do they need to make space marines literal cannibalistic

      They do canonically eat people's brains to steal their knowledge. That's canon, that's the actual lore. Space Marines literally eat people in the official lore books describing the things Space Marines do.

    • Yes the heroic, relatable, goofy ass space imperialists serve an evil empire that destroys whole worlds, all while quoting war poetry and the unity of humanity....and sometimes they crack jokes, there it is, we found your satire on the hypocrisy and mundane evil of imperialism, is that not obvious enough, does every character need to shout "I'm a fascist!" every other line?

      this is literally the most confusing way to do satire ever and it's obvious in your literal paragraph. They aren't just making them superficially look heroic, they literally created a cosmological structure where being anything except a war criminal ends up with you either corrupted or murdered, and despite this they consistently portray space marines doing generous and heroic things despite fundamentally being little Hitler meat mechs. It is not good satire to make the people you're satirizing actually material do good in your world even if you try to counterbalance it with obscure war crimes they do no one will read (in the contrary, it makes it look apologetic of war crimes)

      • lmao you're just taking the worst interpretations by the chud members of the fandom at face value, the confusion arises when you let chuds relay the lore to you instead of engaging with it yourself

        No, the whole "cosmological structure" argument chuds and leftists use to justify their likes and dislikes about the setting is exploded nonsense at this point, it's not 2008, the lore and storytelling has moved on

        The setting has been restructured since 2017, many of the chuds were not happy about it and online culture critical leftists just never bothered to update their takes

        It is not good satire to make the people you're satirizing actually material do good in your world even if you try to counterbalance it with obscure war crimes they do no one will read

        No, that is good satire because it's describing how actual human beings operate and not simple caricatures, and if your concern is simply there are people who are not smart enough to get that, then that's not the satire's or your problem, stop obsessing at how chuds interpret shit and develop your own interpretation

        • The setting has been restructured since 2017, many of the chuds were not happy about it and online culture critical leftists just never bothered to update their takes

          I might be missing something, but how did it get restructured in ways that invalidate those takes? If anything, the Indomitus-era Imperium is portrayed as more heroic than before. Like okay the Imperium was in decline but now the fascist ubermensch Roboute Guilliman shows up and starts reforming things to improve it. Ten thousand years of steady technological decay due to the dogmatism of the Mechanicus is undone because Cawl was working on a bunch of new tech in his secret base.

          • I disagree that Indomitus-era Imperium has been portrayed as more "heroic", simply more competent and only in so far as it concerns Guillliman and even then there's an interesting juxtaposition between his more "progressive" views and the reality of the Imperium, which defines the whole rebrand; storylines involving the High Lords of Terra revolting against his rule, a huge ass defeat in the Arks of Omen campaign, the Chronostrife breaking out simply because Gulliman wanted to reform the calendar......imperial incompetence and malice is on full display in all those storylines

            The tension between the revived primarch and the brutal nature of the imperium creates these opportunities for interesting storytelling and it can't simply be reduced to "Generalismo Roboute is back and has fixed the Imperium", like memes aside that's not what the lore is presenting, the whole point of the character now is centered around his frustration born from the fact that even with all his primarch powers all he's managed to do is temporally stabilize half of the imperium while the other is in literal hell, that's it, occasional military competence so the whole setting doesn't collapse, that's literally the full extent of the so-called "heroics" being presented.....meanwhile the rest of the lore looks like the excerpts I shared above with both of those novels taking place under the Indomitus rebrand

            The point of this restructuring from GW's point of view was to create two imperiums for the fans, the noble bright imperium that Guilliman has saved (that's still fascist af) and the nasty, brutal, mockery of fascism imperium that people who watch too many pop culture critical youtubers keep demanding.....I mean half the empire is literally called Imperium Nihlus now, like how many anvils does GW need to drop on the setting before leftists get off their high chairs about this goofy ass tabletop game

            • I disagree that Indomitus-era Imperium has been portrayed as more "heroic", simply more competent and only in so far as it concerns Guillliman and even then there's an interesting juxtaposition between his more "progressive" views and the reality of the Imperium [...]

              The point of this restructuring from GW's point of view was to create two imperiums for the fans, the noble bright imperium that Guilliman has saved (that's still fascist af) and the nasty, brutal, mockery of fascism imperium that people who watch too many pop culture critical youtubers keep demanding

              Right but that's the problem: Guilliman is just a more competent fascist, and a more "noblebright" setting with the Imperium as the protagonist faction is a setting that says "fascism works, the Imperium just need to do it better". As for the excerpts you linked, neither seem meaningfully different in tone from the older lore imo. IIRC Horus Rising has Loken being a space fascist but feeling kinda bad about it occasionally, and that was written back in 2006.

              It's also worth noting that only an extreme minority of fans are actually reading the books, and while Dante might be popular enough that a good chunk of SM bookreaders see it, Warhammer Crime is a niche within a niche. I would hazard to guess that a majority of the fanbase engages with the setting through youtube lore channels, video games, and memes, and if you go into the communities that pop up around those parts of the fandom, they get all kinds of reactionary. Imo that means that GW still has to go further in purging the chuds, which means continuing to make the space fascists look less cool. The problem here is that SM are by far the most popular faction and they absolutely will not do anything to risk losing them money.

              You have an interview about the split Imperiums being a deliberate choice to make two different settings for different parts of the fanbase or something? I've never heard that and tbh it sounds like it's giving GW way too much credit when it seems like they don't generally plan the lore carefully because it's a vehicle to sell minis and, as you say, a goofy ass tabletop game that fans take far more seriously than the creators.

        • No, that is good satire because it's describing how actual human beings operate and not simple caricatures, and if your concern is simply there are people who are not smart enough to get that, then that's not the satire's or your problem, stop obsessing at how chuds interpret shit and develop your own interpretation

          I concede your other points but I disagree with this. Real people in Hitlerite positions (cops, Nazis, colonialists...) rarely if ever do the kinds of good acts we see Space Marines portrayed as doing in bolter porn type stuff. It is a simple fact that GW markets to Nazis and actually growing a conscience and telling them to fuck off is not useful for their budgeting.

          Yes, the setting is arguably (even objectively) a good satire of fascism. But if you don't still see how many problematic elements there are (main genderqueer rep being evil sex demons, evil sex demons being a thing, unwillingness to have women space marines despite the lack of actual reasons, and a lack of genuine mockery of fascist elements in lore (as in, they are almost never the butt of a joke except in a way that makes them seem edgy and "cooler" to certain groups of people), not to mention the fundamental reactionary nature of (most) grimdark, the South Park-es que insistence that everyone involved is actually equally bad and there's no good guys and they can't exist)...

          Than you're either purposely ignoring a lot of what's going on just so you don't have to acknowledge it's a fandom full of shitty people that was developed on purpose for money, or just didn't know about those things in the first place.

          Edit: If the cosmology allows people to not be murderers,removeds, or war criminals, then where are the nonremoved non-war-criminals? I can understand them not having much relevancy, but they should still be a notable faction that has lots of attention paid to them due to their uniqueness in the setting. So like, what, it's possible for random individuals to think good thoughts and then get shot? That doesn't help, it just implied that revolutionary thinking is impractical. Making it not possible by just not writing it is hardly an improvement over making it not possible mechanically.

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