Let's give it back to Mexico, the Republicans were screaming that we should let Russia have Ukraine because it used to be part of Russia, and as it turns out Texas used to be part of Mexico. Problem solved.
I had to move to low-income housing because no job I’m able to get pays enough for a ‘real’ apartment. I can move to my hometown, but It’s the same thing there. I barely make enough to get by. Were it not for my wife also working, we’d both be homeless.
Trust me. I’d love to move somewhere else, where a post-high school education wouldn’t make me more broke than I am, where good jobs grow on trees, and where housing is reasonably priced. But I can’t. So I Vite blue and get shit on for it here. But I do it anyway, because the asshole fascists that run this state sure as hell haven’t made my life any easier.