I could make a great PC for that...
I could make a great PC for that...
I could make a great PC for that...
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The last straw with consoles for me was when they all started charging money regularly just to play online multiplayer games.
My Steam Deck makes for a better console-like experience than any of the major consoles, and more. I have zero interest in going back to Sony or especially Nintendo's scams.
It blows my mind that the greatest trick Valve ever pulled was releasing a console that relies solely on backwards compatibility. There are zero games released for the steam deck.
To be fair, there was 1 game released directly for the Steam Deck; Aperture Desk Job.
Not only that, the Steam Deck actually has worse compatibility compared to a normal Windows PC, but the PC library is so extensive (and has so many emulators) that it doesn't matter. You still have access to more games than anyone on a normal console ever could, and you can play most singleplayer console games for free. I played Mario Odyssey all the way through on my PC and it ran great.
And even better: people not valve will actually go and work to make the games that aren't compatible working. For free.
It's not quite strictly worse; some older games are easier to run in wine than natively. But your point still stands.
I really wish they would release a new Steam Controller with the Deck's inputs.
Same, tired of replacing the bumpers on my Xbox controllers, and want the extensibility I've seen with the decks controller layout.
I don't, to be perfectly honest the builtin controls are the only part I don't like. Too heavy, too bulky, terrible dpad, and for me it's so uncomfortable to use the LR bumpers that I almost always remap them to the back paddles.
I'd happily pay for Steam because it provides a good service. Meanwhile, PSN and Nintendo Switch Online suck and are expensive (PSN is 70€ per year lmao).
Nah I’m not paying for steam either, they make enough money from game sales without double dipping
I don't even play online. I'm just there for the monthly games.