BuyinG StAmpS is JusTliKe paYing taXes to the shaDdow gov acTuallY ran bYUSPS.
What you do is you print NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES and glue that, not tape, it needs to be on the same corner as the moon position when facing north.
Then somewhere on it, scribble in Sharpie the following Stat. st Law, Ch. 71, Sec. 23, circle that 3 times, not 2. Use red.
I also got mailing supplies including pre-made stamp-like sovereign labels you can buy, Bill's been using them for years without issues, ask him.
Yes, but you have to keep it vague enough so that when it fails and they come back to you, you can have plausible deniabilty that they did it wrong.
Oh sorry I meant "it needs to be on the same corner as the moon position when facing north, including copying the angle with your sextant."