Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Uyghurs and Ukraine are great filters for figuring out who's actually a fascist
Is there any evidence in that wall of text or just a bunch of claims to have seen evidence?
I don’t need that kind of nonsense for an actual genocide because there are mountains of primary evidence.
Fun fact about Wikipedia:
Those numbers in brackets are reference numbers. At the bottom of the article they'll be listed out (you can actually click the number and it'll take you right to the footnote) with links to those sources
Ever tried following them?
I did. That's how I know they don't get to actual sources.
Lie better, it's clear you've never clicked trough a source in your life
Unless of course CNN directly linking to the report isn't a source somehow
Here's what actual evidence looks like:
Now here's the "Uyghur Genocide"
Notice that all but one of those has photographic evidence of the defining feature of a genocide, the dead bodies.
Hey look, evidence from countries that have a free press!
I wonder why we don't have any "evidence from China". I bet it's their state-run media censoring it.
Your point has 0 credibility, your confidence in it is utterly misplaced.
So you love the free press of Israel, Darfur and Turkey?
I also love how people think that China has some magical censorship technology that's so effective that people can't manage to sneak out a single shred of evidence but somehow every racist has some magical means of finding the actual facts (they just can't show them to us).
Nobody can smuggle out a USB stick out of the country. None of the millions of VPN users can figure out how to send some video out of the country. None of our satellites can take a photo with any evidence. That's an amazing coincidence.
Lol at the way you conceptualize evidence. Also lol at the way that you don't know what genocide is.
Genocide isn't about killing.
Photos aren't evidence.
What's next?
War is peace?
Freedom is slavery?
You didn't use photos as evidence. You used the lack of results in a Google image search as evidence. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence and a single Google image search isn't a very thorough search for evidence to begin with.
Also Genocide doesn't imply killing. There are forms of genocide that doesn't involve mass murder.
If it’s a bad way to find evidence maybe you have a better way. If you have some evidence, I’d love to see it.
Not all killings are genocide but I’m not aware of any definition of genocide that doesn’t involve it. What definition of genocide are you using?