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SpaceX Wins a First Battle in Its Assault on the NLRB SpaceX Wins a First Battle in Its Assault on the NLRB

SpaceX just won a preliminary injunction in a Texas federal district court against the National Labor Relations Board. The decision moves us closer to a potential Supreme Court decision declaring the NLRB unconstitutional — and massively empowering bosses.

SpaceX Wins a First Battle in Its Assault on the NLRB

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  • Lots of corp-friendly entities are making big moves in the courts lately, and it feels like previous efforts by Republicans to install conservative judges everywhere are showing. The time needed to undo this damage could take years.

    • Could take days if anyone in Congress had a spine and would impeach and convict obvious lying and corrupt judges. But without Congressional term limits and because of Citizen United, no one in Congress has any incentive to make the country better, and all the incentives to enrich themselves.

      There are outliers, of course, but that number is probably in the single digits.

      • I think Congress failing to do anything about it has more to do with the House being controlled by the same party as the courts and wishing to help them, while the Senate similarly only counts as not controlled by the same party as the courts if you count Republicans who didn’t change any of thier positions but have recently started running as Democrats or Independents because the Republicans moved to far right for them.

        This isn’t to say that term limits or an end to Citizens United arn’t good ideas, but it seems strange to suggest that Congress would be quick to impeach a court that’s been doing exactly what the majority of Congress wants without them.

        • I make an assumption, admittedly, that a Congress of integrity and patriotism would use their impeachment power to rid the judicial system of such obvious corruption and unethical behavior.

          We have no such Congress -- which is my entire point.

          • I’ll be honest, I don’t see how term limits or removing Citizens United suddenly leads to a Republican party of integrity and Patriotism?

            I mean it’s not like the Republicans lack enough people to rotate through terms, and a lot of their funding goes through think tanks and “independent” news corporations, to say nothing of the fact that their were Republican majorities before the Citizens United ruling, so I don’t see either effecting the number of Republicans in Congress much nor their ability to overlook the justices they appointed going about unethical stuff in order to further the Congressional majority’s own goals.

            • Never once used the word suddenly.

              • I presumed because you were talking about the Supreme Court you meant things that might happen before they all died of old age anyway, but I also don’t see any way how term limits lead to a Republican party of integrity and patriotism slowly either.

                Especially not when the party is already run by corporations and think tanks far outside of Congress, and haven’t seemed to have much trouble bringing many of the Congressional Republicans who stood up to Trump on Jan 6 heel or retirement.

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