Federal student loan payments are about to be due for the first time in three years. Many borrowers will be juggling new debt payments on top of their loans.
Yes, thank you, end student loans. It's just bloated the whole system while taking advantage of young naive kids who are told by public schools that if they don't go to universities, they're failures.
Yes, but even more important, start teaching the social contract again, because the majority of Americans seem to take joy in the struggling and suffering of their own neighbors.
Abraham Lincoln said "a house divided cannot stand," and we got Americans scamming other Americans, laughing at them for it, and calling it rational self-interest instead of sociopathic greed.
It doesn't matter. I was taught all that, it meant nothing at the time. I was quizzed on a 1040-ez, which doesn't exist anymore. Also about half the graduates could understand it in the first place, reading comprehension and mathematical literacy are shockingly low.
Because it isn't relevant. It is lecturing people on the statistics of how dangerous driving it is and then sticking their place of employment in an area where car is the only way to get to it. Just because you know how badly you are screwed doesn't make you unscrewed. Also the tone implies victim blaming which fuck that noise.