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Bulletins and News Discussion from March 17th to March 23rd, 2025 - The Kafue River Dies - COTW: Zambia

Image is of the breach in the tailings dam near Kitwe.

On February 18th, 50 million liters of acidic waste from a copper mine was accidentally released into the Kafue River after a tailings dam collapsed. The Kafue River stretches for a thousand miles across Zambia and a majority of the country - millions of people - rely on it, for both the economy and drinking water.

The results have already been catastrophic. The water supply for the city of Kitwe, home to 700,000 people, was completely shut off. As the wave of contamination moved downstream, a wave of death accompanied it as dead fish dotted the river surface. The government is dropping lime into the river to try and counteract the acid with an alkali and neutralize the water, but the tailings also contain toxic heavy metals that will undoubtably seep into the nearby environment and affect the area for years to come.

A considerable portion of the media attention to the accident has been devoted to the fact that the mine was Chinese-owned, as well as China's broader influence and investment in the region. Western anti-China propaganda aside, it has been clear to those in the know that these mines have been badly managed and needlessly dangerous for years now, and it is disappointing - to say the least - to see disasters of this magnitude occur from Chinese businesses. Hopefully this prompts a wave of investigations into China-owned mine managers all around the continent, who will then hopefully face real consequences for their actions.

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  • Brazilian journalists are scouring the new Kennedy files for info about the US role in the 1964 Military Coup. Supporting what Phillip Agee wrote in the 1970s, new info shows that Rio Grande do Sul Gov. Leonel Brizola was one of the most spied on individuals in Latin America.

    As Jacob Gorender wrote in "Combate nas Trevas", infighting in the Brazilian left led to inability to form armed resistance during the coup in 1964 - everywhere except Rio Grande do Sul, where governor Leonel Brizola (left) had put together an armed militia. In the end, Brizola never took up arms in 1964, because he waited for authorization from Jango Goulart, which never game. . In "CIA Diary", however former agent Phillip Agee wrote that, at one point in the 1960s, Brizola was the most wanted man in Latin America by the CIA.

    Brizola was living in exile in Uruguay when Brazil's Dictator Geisel authorized his assassination. Uruguay, gave him 48 hours to leave and he contacted the White House. Angering the CIA and State Dept, Pres. Carter granted Brizola exile. As the dictatorship fizzled out, Brizola traveled to Germany to form alliances European center-left parties, and formed a new party, PDT. He returned to Brazil, became Governor of Rio and ran for Vice President with Lula in 1998.