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Bulletins and News Discussion from March 10th to March 16th, 2025 - The New World Struggles To Be Born; Now Is The Time Of Proxy Wars - COTW: Myanmar

Image is from Wikipedia's article on the war..

I've wanted to cover Myanmar for a while now but haven't had the needed knowledge to write much more than "This situation really sucks." After doing a little reading on the situation, I feel even more confused. A decent analogy is the Syrian Civil War, at least while Assad was in power (though it's still pretty true today) - many different opposition groups, some co-operating with the United States, others not. The main government supported partially by an anti-American superpower, but who could live with that government collapsing if there are deals to be made with the group coming into power. A conflict kept going and exploited at least partially by the United States and other imperial core powers, though with plenty of genuine domestic animosity and desires for political independence.

Recently, the Myanmar government - the mainstream media uses "junta", which is probably accurate despite the connotations - has promised elections at the end of 2025. This doesn't seem likely to happen, and even if it did, how this would work in a country as war-torn as Myanmar is unclear. The government is losing territory and soldiers at a quick pace; they now hold only 21% of the country, though that 21% does at least comprise many of the cities. It's difficult to get a handle on the number of people affected because civil wars and insurgencies have been ongoing in some shape or form for decades, but we're talking at least millions displaced and thousands of civilians killed.

Here's a comment by from fairly recently that covers the situation in Myanmar:

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  • Danish state TV is now live broadcasting "a national conversation" where "top ministers, leading politicians, experts and correspondents" meet to talk about "how Denmark and Europe should navigate a world in disarray", in response to the coming end of the Ukraine war and the ascent of the Trump regime in Washington. European elites are afraid that Daddy America is going to leave them alone and they're losing their shit.

    It is as deranged a display of cope and paranoia as one could expect. It started out with short statements from highschoolers and random citizens, telling how scared they are of all insecure future. Then, to set the mood, a choir of high schoolers sang a very beautiful and emotional hymn that is often sung at funerals.

    A state media correspondent in Ukraine tells viewers such gems as "Ukrainians have no option but to continue fighting" and tell how random Ukrainians approach him unsolicited to say thanks for Danish support. He also tell that these Ukrainians ask him why the west is so afraid of the Russians, in years of war they could only take a little part of Ukraine so they should be no match for the collective west.

    An "expert" tells that Russia can't win, citing the allegedly slow rate of territorial advance and that "Ukraine can't lose" as long as NATO keeps arming them.

    However, the correspondent admitted that people in Ukraine know that Crimea and the Donbass are lost.

    The powerful head of Denmark's "Moderate Party"-controlled Foreign Ministry Lars Løkke Rasmussen is butthurt over American attempts at ending the war. He claims that Russia is on its knees and claims that "We had all possibilities if we had stood firm!" still dreaming of a military victory.

    The Nordic hermit kingdom's leader Mette Frederiksen also provided bangers such as "There is nothing Ukrainians or the rest of Europe wants more than peace ... But peace can also be dangerous". She claimed that "a so-called peaceful solution in Russia's favour" would mean that Russia would withdraw, rearm and attack Europe again.

    Both Frederiksen and Rasmussen kept going on about how necessary the planned military spending spree and the coming expansion of forced military service for both young men and women are.

    At no point did anyone challenge the idea that war with Russia is imminent unless we build a death star. Nobody talked about how to find a way for the west to live in peace with it's neighbours. Nobody mentioned the role of NATO expansionism in the start of the Ukraine war.

    Then there's was an emotional song about love, dedicated "to all the worried young people".

    I could not watch any more beyond this.