Oh my god they are all so fucking pathetic
Oh my god they are all so fucking pathetic
Oh my god they are all so fucking pathetic
Honestly it will never happen because the USA is NATO, but I desperately wish that Trump just pulls out of Europe and NATO, and lets these clowns be in charge of their own security and lets them face the real world without being under the protection of the USA. They would shut up so quickly. These Slava Ukraini eurolibs drooling all over social media are insufferable, posting barely legible posts on social media like Reddit.
A continent led by a bunch of Mussolinis and Hitlerites begging for war, with Balkan Chihuahuas leading the charge. Come on Kaja Kallas, let's see your 6000 man strong Estonian army and 1.4 million citizens fulfill your dream of balkanising Russia, with just the EU to rely on. Let's see how that goes... Come on Boris Johnson and Kier Starmer, let's see the UK military deploy to Ukraine like you guys so desperately want, with your 200+ tanks, that's only a couple weeks of stock at most in the reality of Ukraine. Seriously, who the hell do these people think that they are?! They have no right, yet alone ability, to dictate anything.
This is like the scrawny schoolyard bully letting off some jabs before running away and hiding behind the bigger kids, who are then left to sort everything out.
They would shut up so quickly.
Are you kidding? Conspiracy theories about Trump sending US troops to help Russia would abound, because there’s just no way the ubermensch Europeans (we all know western Russia got booted out of the Europe club) could possibly be defeated by the Russian untermenschen
He's already sending Schrödinger's Juche necromancy-wielding troops
Haven't you seen their photo shoots of the UK military and Keith Starmer standing around looking tough? Tough looks in photo shoots > any military obviously!
that would be so cool, because we would actually have to deal with others than the US and it would make a lot of people shut up when we suddenly are reliant on russian energy and chinese imports plus we would have to build manufacturing so we actually have something to trade with.
Reminder that both the UK and France are nuclear powers, they don't need actual militaries beyond that for protection.
That depends on the deterrence and escalation models adopted by state actors. Most escalation and deterrence models state that states escalate because they believe they can gain an advantage by moving the conflict to a higher level of escalation. So with the framework you're proposing, nuclear states with a weak or effectively non existent conventional force, may adopt a first strike nuclear policy, and threaten to escalate to nuclear strikes at very low levels of conflict/escalation in order to prevent war breaking out, or a defeat on the conventional battlefield. North Korea is an example of a state that uses this framework, and many want Iran to follow a similar framework. On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, a state may deter an adversary from escalating a conflict by ensuring it has a relative advantage in forces at whatever level the conflict is currently in – for example, the United States with its gigantic military. As the United States has a much more capable military at almost all levels of conflict over almost all adversaries, it should be able to deter escalation from almost anyone at any time, in theory.
The problem with the first model is that it's vulnerable to "salami slicing/chipping away" at red lines, and requires the state to launch nuclear first strikes at the smallest of provocations, with all the downsides of such a policy. Also, adversaries with a much larger nuclear arsenal will always be able to respond with much more weapons in a nuclear conflict. This is why alliances like NATO and the Warsaw Pact formed in the first place. Conventional armies are important for deterrence at lower levels of escalation. North Korea is in a very unique situation, their direct adversary in South Korea does not have nuclear weapons, and relies on the conventional force deterrence of the United States to deter conflict. It's also why I think that Iran will not become a nuclear atmed state unless they think the threat from Israel is existential and unavoidable.
Relying on just nuclear weapons to prevent conflict, and to deter and compel (two very different things) on their own with any conventional force to back them up, I think is unrealistic for Europe. The idea that, once you have nuclear weapons, you can use them to essentially freeze time with regards to the relationships between two adversaries. And the idea that, once two opposing sides have nukes, regardless of how many either has, conflict or any form of escalation outside of it would become frozen as both sides would be deterred from taking any action. I'd consider these ideas unrealistic and a reckless faith in the nuclear arms revolution in the context of a Europe without NATO.
You raise solid points, I would have to ask however if any nuclear armed nation has ever actually been "salami sliced", or if it has served as enough of a deterrent that nobody has ever tried. There's a possible argument of US/NATO posturing against Russia such as backing Ukraine, but it must be noted that UK/French nukes are meant to deter Russia, not the US, and that Russia almost certainly does not have the capability to invade either country.
There was the case of apartheid South Africa (who had nuclear weapons) that got defeated in the border wars, with Cuban assistance to Angola, and eventually got compelled to give up its nuclear weapons once apartheid was over. That was a unique case in the fact that apartheid South Africa lacked an effective delivery system for their nuclear weapons, the RSA ballistic missile program was more of a negotiation trump card than a functional delivery system. So the the only option was to deliver the bombs by fighter aircraft. Libya got compelled to give up their nuclear program in 2003 (even though no nuclear weapons existed).
And then in the current moment there's Israel, they cannot just rely on nuclear weapons to deter their adversaries, nuclear deterrence didn't stop Iran from launching Operation True Promise II for instance. So nuclear weapons act as a deterrence to prevent existential threats towards Israel, not as a deterrence for all warfare. But that's because Israel is a settler colonial project that deliberately provokes conventional conflicts because they think that they can gain from it (to the point of carrying out genocide, in Gaza), and the Israeli conventional armed forces, especially the Israeli Air Force, are superior to their adversaries, so Israel gains via escalation and can rely on the air force for deterrence against future attacks (see the Israeli response to Iran's Operation True Promise II via their air force, and the fact that Operation True Promise III is postponed indefinitely).
Come on Boris Johnson and Kier Starmer, let's see the UK military deploy to Ukraine like you guys so desperately want
And risk the death of
souls??Western Europe isn't going to go to all out war with Russia, they'll keep handing their Balkan and Eastern "allies" a few guns and a pat on the head and tell em "go get em champ."