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Bulletins and News Discussion from February 3rd to February 9th, 2025 - Fuhrer Failsons

Image is of Elon Musk giving the Nazi salute a week or so ago.

I didn't really want to keep spotlighting American domestic events as I had assumed that shit would calm down pretty quickly, but it appears that the Trump administration, including Musk, are determined to bring down the empire from the inside.

One of the most important lessons of ruling a country - and especially an empire - is to never, ever believe your own propaganda; and yet now we have neo-Nazi failsons disrupting parts of the imperial apparatus and causing general government mayhem because they actually seem to believe in libertarianism; that the state and the capitalists are somehow in opposition, rather than working in lockstep to maximise profit and boost American hegemony around the world.

I'm not so optimistic as to believe that a national collapse is FOUR DAYS AWAY, like those weird anti-China cranks often speculate - the US has at least a decade or two left even under these conditions. But consider the damage being inflicted in these past couple weeks, and extrapolate that over the next four years. Does any living American political figure possess the competency to halt - or even meaningfully slow - the already ongoing decline? And could they achieve power (or even be allowed to do so) after Trump's term is done?

Last week's thread is here. The Imperialism Reading Group is here.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

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  • lol all that Canadian defiance and “we will never retreat!!!” was just piss in the wind, just as everybody already knew

    • I don’t understand why everyone seems to be buying Trump’s propaganda that Canada and Mexico are caving in, when it seems obvious that they’ve just successfully fobbed him off with bs promises that cost them very little

      • the Mexican border guard postings might as well be a domestic jobs program. that's not even a real concession, usually nations pay to get foreign militaries away from borderlands. I think Sheinbaum or her team really got one over on trump/rubio there. The Canadian deal is just "drugs are terrorism" policies to mask civil repression, which is something they were already doing. And the opportunity to create a new alphabet agency for "counterterrorism" is like Christmas day for feds of all nationalities.

        Actually these "deals" are so cheap I feel trump has to be trying to come back for more in a month

    • Canada agreed to implement a plan they already agreed to under Biden

      Public Safety is coordinating the $1.3-billion effort to further strengthen the border, and disrupt illegal cross-border activity.

      January 15, 2025

      Basically giving Trump a propaganda victory to get him to shut up for a month.

      • So Canada had already caved to the US, then pretended to put up resistance for a few days, then went back to doing their usual business. Still really dumb of the libs to have thought that they were every going to seriously defy the US though

        • This isn't "caving" to America, Canada is built on militarized repression of motility. This is a win for them, because they get to do something they already want (more cops to target migrants and Indigenous people under the guise of "security") and now they even get to say that this thing they already wanted is absolutely definitely worth the money and really quite a "cheap" tradeoff to stop big bad America's unreasonable tariffs.

          Increased border security and larger military/police budgets is just standard operating procedure.