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Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela

Image is of a colectivo: an armed group, usually operating in impoverished areas, which act to support and defend the socialist government of Venezuela. They are often derided as vigilante terrorist groups which prop up the government, because cops are only bad when they are socialist and not murdering minorities, I suppose.

Maduro's party, the PSUV, has won the election after a staggering amount of propaganda by the opposition, who said their polls suggested they were going to win and that Maduro's loss was inevitable. The reaction across Latin America is what one would expect. Left-leaning leaders are generally respecting the results and congratulating Maduro, while those on the right and/or are US puppets (such as in semirecently-couped Peru) are calling for recounts, or even that the election was illegitimate. The US itself is also unhappy about the results. We shall soon see if their unhappiness boils over into yet another coup attempt.

Personally, I think they should have ran Guaido again.

Thank you to for the election coverage here, and everything else they do in the news megathread.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is Venezuela! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • this isn't them "going all out", it's not them casting off their self-imposed shackles and fighting their enemies with all their previously undisplayed strength, they're just pissing everybody off and losing as fascist regimes always do before they fall

    • The border wars, where apartheid South Africa spent 25% of its GDP on the military, as a fascist regime tends to do. Everything was basically given to the army, you couldn't even fill your car up with certain petrol, that was reserved for the army and if you were caught with it, you'd be thrown in jail. All this to fight these border wars to "stop the spread of communism". Rooi gevaar. Used by the West to fight their battles, and polite white society went along with it because they were so racist. Until their conscripted sons started showing up with PTSD, and being mutilated by the war. Then it was too much and became a dark period of their history. But all the suffering that happened to black Africans? They never cared deeply about that.

      Thank you Cuba for putting this crazy nonsense to an end.

    • I think this is correct, but also missing the key point. Israel has nukes and will probably use them before any collapse.

      Edit: I genuinely did not know South Africa had nukes, but can anyone imagine Israel giving theirs up?

      • Apartheid south Africa had nukes too

        • And guess who helped them get nukes lmao

        • The methods of delivery were pretty outdated though, and apartheid South Africa only had six warheads. Only the Blackburn Buccaneer or English Electric Canberra could carry apartheid South Africa's nuclear weapons, fighter jets from the 1940s and 1950s that would be very vulnerable to Cuban anti air missiles. The RSA 3 and 4 ballistic missiles were never actually viable for delivering a nuclear payload, and were developed as a last ditch negotiation tactic, to try intimidate those that opposed apartheid by making it appear that South Africa had an ICBM programme. Development of the RSA missile program stopped as soon as apartheid ended.

          Israel on the other hand has ICBMs or other long range ballistic missiles to deliver their nuclear weapons, along with stealth fighter jets, and have way more than six warheads.

      • South Africa also had nukes.

      • Doesn’t matter. They will collapse inevitably, and the blood/nuclear fallout is on the hands of the Zionists and the imperialists. We don’t really have a choice in the matter. I only see people argue the nukes point to say “well Israel’s existence is an inevitability, so we must negotiate assuming the permanent existence of this ethnostate”

    • Recommend everyone to read Bevins' book on Indonensia AND his book on the worlwide 2010s protest movements

      • Also the documentary The Act of Killing in which Joshua Oppenheimer convinced the perpetrators of the 1965 Indonesian genocide to speak openly about their crimes, how and why they did it, etc.