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Bulletins and News Discussion from February 10th to February 16th, 2025 - There Is Noboa Alternative - COTW: Ecuador

Image is of the Galapagos Islands, sourced from here.

Moving the megathread topic slightly away from the chaos of the United States and going back around the world, we will begin with paying attention to Ecuador.

Ecuador has been ruled by Daniel Noboa since 2023, after he won the snap election. He's about as ghoulish as one gets; a neoliberal right-winger and as much as a marionette to the United States as Milei. Two months ago, he gave effective control of the Galapagos Islands to the United States and is allowing them to build a military base there - beginning the potential conversion from a natural paradise to unsinkable aircraft carrier.

We are now seeing the rematch between Noboa and Gonzalez; the latter of which is a leftist politician with a similar ideology to Correa, the socialist who ruled Ecuador from 2007 to 2017. The divide in Ecuador today is largely between the Correaists and those who oppose them, though Leonidas Iza represents the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador and commands a notable share of the vote.

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    I'll answer your question. First, Ecuador was in a state of chaos during the 1990s, which led to the 2000 military coup against the neoliberal government. The coup was orchestrated by far-left military officers and CONAIE (Organization of the Indigenous). Lieutenant Colonel Lucio Gutiérrez took control of the country, tried to install a Chavista-style government, but failed and Gustavo Noboa (the vice-president at the time and father of Daniel Noboa, the current president) took control of the country with the help of right-wing military officers and the US.

    Lieutenant Colonel Lucio Gutiérrez was eventually democratically elected in 2003, but he betrayed the left and promoted neoliberalism, which led to a new crisis. Gutiérrez was ousted and his vice-president, Alfredo Palacio, took power. Palacio's economic minister was Rafael Correa. Correa managed to resolve the economic and political crisis and became so popular that he was eventually elected president, governing with a socialist ideology. During Correa's government, the economy was working well, security was also good and a lot of money was spent on education and healthcare. The US attempted a coup in 2010, but Correa destroyed the coup by literally walking into the headquarters of the coup leaders and slapping them in the face, after which the building was stormed by SWAT forces loyal to Correa and Correa supporters.

    Correa chose his vice-president as his successor, Lenin Moreno. But then Lenin betrayed Correa and went back to promoting neoliberalism. And then the Ecuadorian right and the US started waging legal war against Correa, who had been exiled to Belgium. All this led to more crisis and chaos in Ecuador, which is currently suffering from a huge crisis of violence.

    Second, Idk if the left is going to lose, if the Correaistas convince Leonidas Iza (CONAIE candidate) to support them, theres literally nothing Noboa can do, legally, to win the election.

    • But then Lenin betrayed Correa and went back to promoting neoliberalism

    • You forgot to mention the CONAIE-Correa split, the CONAIE was very important in getting Lucio Gutiérrez elected and then getting him ousted from the government after he sign an agreement with the IMF pro-privatization, so they are a very important.

      Correa then lost their supported when he introduce a bill to privatize water in ecuador, which led to them doing the same thing they did with the last guy and started the 2015 protests with mass movilizations and general strikes to show their discontent. And since then the split has continue.

      so the question is will Luisa Gonzalez try to gain back the indigenous vote to secure the win or ignore them and try to win with a 1% diference

      • Yes, theres a lot I left out, like how Ecuador dollarized their economy and other stuff such as the border conflicts with Uribe. If Correa and CONAIE unite again, that would mean the temporary defeat of the Ecuadorian Right, but the new goverment will have to deal with an economic and security crisis, besides the fact there will be US troops in Peru and inside Ecuador.

      • She supported drilling in the national parks, so I doubt it. She's the lesser of two evils, but hardly interested in preserving the Amazon.

    • Iza is a leftist. Gonzalez is not.