I drop the soap too often to survive prison.
Freshly littered random abandoned undergarments should be avoided. Let the elements blast it for a few days.
answering captchas as badly as possible while still not being determined to be a robot is actually pretty fun
Scifi was created by neurodivergents and co-opted by normies.
Twitter's blue check mark is the modern equivalent of a dunce cap.
They should use the huge stockpile of confiscated ivory to make dentures for old elephants so that they can live longer
You could probably say the revolution has already started and things are so tense people will believe it's true and run out and start the revloution.
Dangle something pleasant in front of my face and I lose all self-control.
The "Internet Taken Over" theory instead of the "Dead Internet" Theory
Was the first person to eat beaver ass surprised when it tasted like vanilla and raspberry?
Throughout human history, there’s always been a lack of information. Then, somewhere around 2005, there was this brief moment where we had the perfect amount - and ever since, it’s been far too much.
In My Opinion Ai-Generated contents should have a Tag just like NSFW.
It's better to not live than to live as a burden your family bullies to cope with your existence, or be tossed between several care facilities like an unwanted nuclear football
Everyone gets stopped at red lights
Dreams are basically simulations
One of the biggest problem of humanity is that We are Animals pretending not to be Animals
Food makes mouths dirty. Why the hell does toothpaste make it clean?????
Money is Heroin for Boring People
It's been over 20 years since that Sunny Delight commercial and I still have no idea what "purple stuff" is.
It's true representation matters. Which is why I understand trump. Shit bags around the world felt they needed more representation.