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The sun sinks below the horizon. Crooked shadows cast by the buildings fall on the streets like a funeral shroud, and reality melts where it is too dark for us to notice the silhouettes of creatures and other worlds.
Kultists, get ready to roam the streets of Metropolis and marvel at the terrors lurking the areas of our world where the veil is thin. We aim to launch the Kickstarter campaign for the new sourcebooks and scenario collections on February 3rd. Sign up here to be notified of the launch:
Death is an illusion some of us may tear asunder in moments of great distress. For this KULTmas we bring you one of such stories—that of a man who has for his entire life repressed the memories of a past event, but now must face the consequences that follow them. For better or worse, he isn’t alone in this. His siblings, each of them burdened by their own dark secrets, come together to unveil the mysteries that haunt their family. Perhaps together they are able to walk past the threshold of mortality. Or it might just be that they succumb to their tormentors.
‘Til Death Do Us Part is a scenario originally written by Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersen for the first edition of KULT exclusively in Swedish, but now brought to KULT: Divinity Lost in English with the help of Jens Klot (translator), Nick Rankovic (author; rules revisions, edits, and additional material), and Jacqueline Bryk (editor).
Greetings, Kultists. Today we bring you photos and thoughts from Petter, a moment of introspection. In this month's small monthly release, In the Shadows of Inspiration, Petter writes about his creative process and shares some pictures he’s taken in ...
...his night walks. Hopefully these are inspiring to you as it is to us, and drive you to create as well, be it paint, write, make music, prepare for your next session, or anything else.
I was unsure of sharing, since it's still early info, but here goes.
Greetings, Kultists. Hope everything is alright on your side of the veil. A lot has happened since our last major update (where we talked about Metropolis) and we are eager to share some news with you. I know you’re as excited as we are for this, so let's cut to the chase.
For the next Kickstarter campaign, in addition to the already announced Metropolis sourcebook, we are going to release a smaller book called “The Illusion and the Borderlands” that explores the machinery of the Illusion with an emphasis on the borderlands.
While we don’t necessarily dislike this name, it is not final. We also have a solid idea of what the book should be (and we are working to achieve that), but it goes without saying that we might include/exclude content as we deem fit.
The main idea is that this book should be complementary to similar content found in the Core Rules, such as exposed places from The Illusion (p. 218) an
Greetings, Kultists. It is that time of the month again, and today we bring you another creation by Petter. The Summoning of Chephali is the description of a passion magician's ritual to summon a nepharite of Gamaliel.
Greetings, Kultists! It is that time of the month again and today we bring you another creature. This is the wretch, a Gaian borderliner guided by their insatiable hunger for flesh.
Kultists, today we present you the Saint of Blades. This release goes in depth about Natalia (the saint), her strange cult, and the place she lives. Plenty of hooks (and blades) and mysteries to uncover in this one! Hope you like it.
Kultists, today we bring you the first small release of this year! It is a humble homage to Legions of Darkness. In modern times, the cult is believed to have fallen but the original transcripts of the founding magician are still around. Hope you like it!
Greetings, Kultists! It is that time of the year again! This kultmas we bring you Black Skies Over Brixton, a 1991 adventure transformed into a campaign framework.
Kultists, today we bring you another creature: the fouling. A creature born from waste and refuse that seeps through the cracks in the illusion, from Elysium into Gaia.
Greetings, Zeloths and cultists! For our monthly tribute, we bring you Underground Terrors: a folio featuring some of Underworld's horrors to inspire you and bring your campaigns closer to Achlys.
Greetings, Broken souls seeking release from the lies of Time & Space. Here’s Breaking Point #3, all based on the suit of Hourglasses. These are nine more terrifying experiences Broken player-characters might want (or not) to go through.
Over the course my last two articles on the psychology of fear, I have been teasing some Kult: Divinity Lost fan content and it is finally ready! Below are all the links you will need to download m…
Greetings, Kultists.
While the Swedish version of KULT: Divinity Lost is being prepared for layout, I believe it is time to discuss our upcoming projects for the next english Kickstarter campaign,...
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Greetings, Kultists.
While the Swedish version of KULT: Divinity Lost is being prepared for layout, I believe it is time to discuss our upcoming projects for the next english Kickstarter campaign, which will likely take place this fall. Similar to our previous Kickstarter, our aim is to crowdfund a collection of books that enhance the KULT experience.
One of these books has the working title: METROPOLIS - SHADOWS OF THE ETERNAL CITY. As the title suggests, it will primarily focus on our primal home, the dark and desolate city beyond the walls of our prison.
The objective is to create a setting book that Game Masters can use to describe Metropolis, complete with locations, NPCs, and items that can be incorporated into a multitude of stories. We want the book to be practical, full of opportunities for exploration and discovery amidst the shadows of this mystical realm.
Right now, we plan to introduce several new factions, which, although less influential than the Archons, possess mor