Owners of Reddit media empire refuse to publish comment mimzz9u about LGBT gender warfare that the White House Kremlin is waging against the population. Criticism of Donald Trump forbidden on Reddit
Reddit owners refuse to publish comment miax5g7 describing how anti-abortion ("pro-life") movement is a modern 2025 form of authoritarianism that the Middle Ages Church ruled over European society
Reddit owners refuse to publish comment miannis describing how USA society has been invaded by Putin / Russia / Kremlin mental manipulation (mind-fuck), "Trump Derangement" mental behaviors
Reddit owners refuse to publish comment mhlq0wp describing how USA society is engaging in Russian simulacra of resistance, how Twitter-length thinking has wrecked defense of NATO
Reddit owners refuse to publish comment mhkzrtf describing how Reddit owners profit off the following of Fox News entertainment amusement news leadership of USA and plays into the 5,000 Russian
Reddit owners refuse to publish comment mhe4i9m describing Putin's mass manipulation of Reddit / Twitter users
Reddit refused to publish comment mh7y8n4 - was server-side filtered by site owners without notifying comment author