Don’t just buy from the EU, buy local first
Suggestions for EU-based meditation app? (alternative to Down Dog)
Android pdf reader
European coca-cola alternatives
Small fridge (30+ litres) with high energy efficiency?
German federal state migrates 30.000 PCs to LibreOffice
European-produced mirrors
Instead of F-35, Portugal turns to Europe in search of new fighter - Air Data News
Strongbox sold to Applause
Card-wallet RFID blocking from France
Delivery Hero as an alternative to Uber Eats
About EuroStack
Analog barcode interpretation
YSK: There is a student plan for Le Chat Pro. 5,99 € + tax
EU Vibes, a #BuyFromEU community on Revolt, an open-source, UK based alternative to Discord
Remember to rate apps om Google Play and Apple Store
Buy european App from EcoCheck
A nice alternative to todoist, ticktick and similar app.