What are some of your favourite words?
Why do British people have such a dim view of Automatic cars?
What's good about life in the UK?
Shall I stop taking my antidepressants?
Sticking with GPs. Are we allowed to ask about more than one issue during our slot?
Can you ask your GP to scratch the inside of your ear?
What's your favourite milk alternative?
Men of the Great Britain...what trainers are you wearing?
What's the correct way to tell a very rowdy group of people in a restaurant to...stfu.
What are the chances the UK will ever legalise marijuana?
Besides "Tom" what's the worst name you can give a newborn?
Do we have frozen peaches in this country?
Does anyone else find the water companies to be unreasonable with their ghosting for 6 months, then nagging daily if you haven't paid them within a week?
President Rayeesi: Israel Suffered Humiliating Defeat in Gaza Against Palestinians
What is the autumnal feast based around in the UK ?
My energy provider keeps hassling me to get a smart meter installed. Should I?
Just how German are "German Christmas Markets"?
Whats the longest you'd keep leftover takeaway pizza before deciding to bin it?
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