“Old” Feddit UK?
How do you get up to date with the news?
Why don't the news media report the reasons why migrants come to the UK on boats?
Gents, where do you get your clothes?
Is there a decent paperback encyclopedia (compact) still available in the UK?
People who moved to the UK from another country: what are your fellow countrymen not ready to hear about the UK?
Any ideas how to save some cats?
How would you find a good podiatrist?
Dishwasher tablets that don't come with loads of plastic?
It's works Christmas party season. Have you got any interesting stories from your works dos?
Is it a british thing to pass a football to strangers on the street?
Dear Royal Mail workers: what's going on when you(r colleagues) leave a "sorry we missed you" slip without even ringing the buzzer?
Tranarchy in the UK: Questions about GRC and immigration
Buying electronics from EU; Duty & VAT?
When you're at home, where do you eat your meals?
What are your red flags for job interviews?
Would it be possible to purchase a puffin crossing panel?
What sort of outside lights would you call this?
Do people care about Oasis getting back together?
You've got to move house at least 150 miles away from there you currently live. Where would you choose?